+ WHAT IS: NF-kappaB?

per Wikipedia:

NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells) is a protein complex that controls the transcription of DNA. NF-κB is found in almost all animal cell types and is involved in cellular responses to stimuli such as stress, cytokines, free radicals, ultraviolet irradiation, oxidized LDL, and bacterial or viral antigens.NF-κB plays a key role in regulating the immune response to infection (kappa light chains are critical components of immunoglobulins). Incorrect regulation of NF-κB has been linked to cancer, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, septic shock, viral infection, and improper immune development.


Inflammation has been linked to the over-expression of a protein called NF-kappaB. This molecule acts like a switch that turns on genes that produce an inflammatory response. NF-kappaB expression increases with age. NF-kappaB has been linked with the enzyme COX-2, suppression of the former results in suppression of COX-2. So anything that reduces COX-2 fights cancer, improves joint function and normal cell growth.

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